My ‘end of a week, now on with the weekend’ end of night song.

Skream – Exothermic Reaction which to those of you may not mean anything and to those of you that this name does mean something then still continue reading. This is my week closure song as it entails and relives all of the ups and downs my week has presented. Whilst gently using the song as a diving board for my imagination and tender lucid dreams, I often find that I naturally fall to sleep a lot quicker and wake with a rested, prepared and eager body for the weekend.

I’m a firm believer and professor that music is a reflection of the emotions that you are going through. Tonight’s choice of Frank Ocean shows that I am on a steady decline into sleep. Therefore I must prepare and allow my body to retire. I hope you all have a good weekend and I look forward to reading weekend related blogs on monday!

Buenos nachos